Friday, February 1, 2013

Last Lines

To mark the anniversary of my Daniel’s and my first kiss 20 years ago and our engagement 19 years ago this February 3rd, today’s last lines come from movies I find romantic and sweet. Also, in a couple cases, I’ve backed up the clue to include a little more than just the last line – for context’s sake.

1. “Good morning, wife.”
    “Good morning.”
2. “Then, how are you this evening, Mrs. Darcy? Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy.”
3. “Here, I’ve been carrying this around for months. I don’t want it any more.”
    “Cat? Cat?!?! Cat! Oh, Cat.”
4. “Oh, Joe. I have not eaten for a very, very long time.”
5. “Razzles, Mr. Flamhaff?”
    “Thank you, Mrs. Flamhaff.”

Answers tonight! TGIF, go bros in the Super Bowl, and Happy Anniversary x2 to my best friend and lover, my Daniel. *SWAK*
(photo by