Friday, March 22, 2013


1. “Knowing is half the battle.” – 2009 – G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra – sequel Retaliation comes out 3-29-13. (We’ve waited a year since it was supposedly done – let’s hope they give us something entertaining!!)
2. “Give me a scotch. I’m starving.” – 2008 – Iron Man – sequel released 2010, #3 due to hit theatres 5-3-13! (The trailer gives me goose bumps every time and I see it a lot since I work at a theatre…)
3. “You can whistle really loud, you know that?” – 2009 – Star Trek – sequel Into Darkness opens 5-17-13! (Since we work at a theatre, my Daniel ‘gifted’ me one morning a sneak peek private screening of the new trailer for this one *squee*. I love that he knew that would make me smile!)
4. “You will not cry or whine or laugh or giggle or sneeze or barf or fart! So, no, no, no annoying sounds.” – 2010 – Despicable Me – sequel will be released 7-3-13! (It’s so fluuuuuffffyyyy!!!! Still the best line from that one. And love those minions!)
5. “My whole life, I felt like an animal. Then she came along.” – 2009 – X-Men Origins: Wolverine – The Wolverine opens 7-26-13. (Hugh Jackman – ‘nuf said.)

Happy Weekending, Dry Ground friends!