Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The 'I's Don't Have It

When I was in grade school, my dad gave me a challenge one day - to go as long as I could without saying the word 'I.' Apparently, my focus had been not only introverted but also self-centered and this exercise showed me how extensive my thoughts and words concerning myself really were. Eye-opening (pun intended!)
I thought about this task the other day and gave it another try all these years later. Not sure I've learned much! It was still tough!
I'm glad the Lord is SO patient with me!
We sang this song in church last Sunday. Perfect for a little focus readjustment. Hope you enjoy.

Chris Tomlin - Lay Me Down (Official Lyric Video) from chris-tomlin on GodTube.

Keep on trucking, Dry Ground friends! It's Wednesday!
(photo by