Well, I’m still tired… and behind.
Apartment is shaping up. I am getting used to the new sleep schedule, new work schedule, even the new exercise schedule.
But the brain is as full as it’s going to get at the moment. Original thoughts are still cowering in the corner, reluctant to push through all the new data.
So, I thought I’d share a little from the message at the church we visited last week.
It was about God’s call on our lives.
#1 – We’re uniquely called. If God went to such lengths for our fingerprints, voice, DNA (just to name a few) to be absolutely unique, why would He expect us to fulfill our life calling in the exact same way as any other person? We don’t need to be exactly like anyone else but Christ.
#2 – We’re currently called. Sort of a bloom where you’re planted idea, God doesn’t make us wait around for Him to give us a calling. He’s already given us one, and it is now. We need to stop making excuses. Start extending God’s love to the neighbors we live next to now, the co-workers we work with now, the people we see every day… now.
The pastor’s illustration for this one inspired me. Those of us who’ve spent any time in church have most likely sat through an overseas missionary’s slide show and talk. He clicks through pictures of the country, the facilities there, and the people. We see… places, things, and humans. But the tenor of the missionary’s voice tells you that, to him, he’s showing you his home, his heart and his family. You have no doubt that this person is called. And sometimes we might just think… I wish I was called like that.
The beauty is… we are! Imagine a slide show that, as you click through, shows your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, your neighbor… your home, heart and family.
#3 – We are passionately called. I loved this illustration too. We think it’s like a kickball team being picked at recess. Two leaders, God and Satan maybe, choosing one by one the top players until only a few are left and the leaders reluctantly divide them up. We actually see ourselves as the uncoordinated, untalented misfits that always get picked last, and God is reluctantly calling us to His team. And that’s so not true!! God passionately chooses every one of us as if we were first. To each of us, He says with enthusiasm – I’ll take you!
This was not a “get out there and serve so God loves you more” sermon. Good thing, or I would not have absorbed one iota of it. This was a “you have great purpose in God’s eyes” sermon. No need to compare to others. No need to feel guilty or inadequate or left out or left behind.
It’s not we that live anyway, but Christ in us. It’s all about Him.
So, I think the idea is to feel… cherished.
Hope you’re having a great week, Dry Ground friends! Be blessed!
(Youth pastor @ Faith Chapel in Billings, MT, Scott Blakeslee, gave this message 9-26-10.)